Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Post

Welcome to my writing blog! I have made a couple small attempts to start a book before, but never got far at all. Recently, I decided I need to just do it -- just sit down and write. So that's what I started doing, and I decided to start this blog to also write about the journey.

One of the problems I've noticed I have is that when I get excited about writing again, I will spend so much of my time reading tips about writing from books and others' blogs. I get obsessed with following up with authors to see what advice they give out, but then I spend time reading all of that and not writing! So this time I will make an effort to balance both.

I started to write just a few pages a year or so ago and then never returned to it. I recently pulled up what I had written, tweaked the story a little, and now I have something I'm very excited about writing! All I'll say for now is that one of the main characters is a social worker. It's not at all autobiographical, but we are supposed to write about what we know, right? So that's what I'm doing.


  1. When did you start a book blog? Holy cow - it's like you're a whole different person than I thought!

  2. Hi, thanks for stopping by. I notice you have the same predicament as me: when I feel like writing, I read more about the process rather than actually doing the writing itself. By the time I sit down to write, the vibe is gone, and it remains that way till the next cycle.
