Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Couple More Frustrations

After I posted last about writing an outline, I actually decided to just write some more and I ended up finishing the chapter I was on. But I haven't added to it since. I think I'm ready to do the outline thing now.

I go back and forth constantly on being confident in my ability to do this and on thinking it's just way above me. I am picky when I read books on how "literary" they are. If they are too "simple" -- easy vocabulary, too many simple sentence structures, have a lack of depth, use lame similes and metaphors, I get frustrated. But then I read what I wrote and find that I do the exact same thing. Then I think, well, some of these that bother me are best sellers, lol! I wonder if I'm too picky about other books, and wonder what someone else would think of what I've written. I do want to have others read, but I don't know if the 3700 words I've written are enough for me to start having others critique. Maybe at 10,000 words. We'll see.

In the meantime, my plan is to work on 1) an outline and 2) setting aside time to write. I haven't been doing this at all lately. Only when I'm in the particular mood too. I need to get things down on paper before I can ever go through and revise and make what I've written even better!

1 comment:

  1. How exactly does one "have a lack" of something? ha.

    Tip #1: Don't write "lol" in your book :)

    Don't overthink it. It'll be great!
